Monday, November 17, 2014

Day 17 of #ridingeverydayinNovember

It was another nice, if chilly, day for #ridingeverydayinNovember.  I never would have predicted that we'd have so many nice days in what is historically Oregon's wettest (or 2nd wettest, depending on the source) month.

I had a few errands to run.  I hopped on my favorite "go to" bike, the fixed gear and rode first to the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles office in Sherwood.  Along the way I noted some new markings on the recently installed painted bike lanes on the remodeled Boone's Ferry Road.

In Oregon it is not legal to orient drain grates so that bike tires may fall into the slots. While there have been metal straps welded across this grate to keep bike tires from falling in, thus complying with the law, I'm surprised that a newly constructed road would have these modified grates, rather than one oriented correctly to start with.  These would present a problem if wet, or the rider was inexperienced. At least they are marked well and easily avoided.

I pedaled along and arrived at DMV.

 This office has been open Tuesday through Saturday for over 15 years, and just recently opened on Mondays as well.  It seems that most people are not yet aware of the new expanded day of operation. I had virtually no waiting to be called up. I got my business taken care of quickly, then pedaled away to do some holiday scratch that.... make that holiday buying!

I arrived at the former rock quarry, and now shopping mecca, Bridgeport Village  Here I was proud of myself for finishing up my holiday shopping early, only to find out that even before Thanksgiving this place is already in full on Christmas.

I spent an hour or so selecting "just the right" things, then packed up and pedaled back toward home...........with a nice tailwind helping me along.

I got back to Tualatin and stopped for a late lunch. Despite feeling quite comfortable, the water feature told a different story.  Good thing the ducks were fake, because real ones would have issues with the ice!

I continued on home to wrap the newly acquired gifts.

It was a great day to be on a bike!

...........road Today...........26...............0..............0...............0.............26 Jan.............710...............0..............0...............0............710
Feb............ 578...............0..............0...............0............578
March ..........701...............0..............0...............0............701
Nov.............390...............0..............0...............0............390 Total..........5926...............0..............0...............0...........5926

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