Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I participated in the Ride of Silence again this year.  The Ride of Silence is a slow paced ride designed to honor those injured or killed while on a bike.  It became personal for me after a car ran a stop sign and hit me a few years ago.  I have not missed an RoS since then. This time I joined the event in Salem.  The Salem area lost three riders in the last year. There was a pretty good turnout of about 60 riders.

Many had signs indicating what we were doing.

 We rode a course that took us on a mix of city streets and paths.  We unfortunately did not have a police escort, I think that always adds a little "officialness" to the ride.  Without the police escort, to the general public it begins to look a lot like just a group of folks out for a ride.

As I am posting this tonight I hear on the news that a cyclist was hit tonight in Portland by a right turning semi-truck. We as cyclists need to always be vigilant and be sure we are doing everything possible to mitigate the risks, and work to insure that drivers are held accountable for their actions.

...and then again it might have been a case of cyclist stupidity.

and the last of my rant for today's post.....  here is a good example of why a cyclist should never ride to the right of a potentially right turning vehicle.

If you ride up to a line of stopped cars, ride like a car, get in the lane and wait your turn.  Don't be a gutter bunny and sneak up on the right side.  Bunnies die way too often.

 Feb.........428............108.............0.........24..........536 March.......809..............0.............0.........22..........831
 May............617..............0.............20..........0...........637  YTD........2970............142............20.........46.........3153

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