Monday, March 31, 2008

31st of March

Today is my daughter's birthday. Happy birthday sweety! Also being the end of the month I was looking at my mileage totals, and as I said in January, I don't have a monthly goal but just like then I noticed it was well within my reach to get a nice round number. So today I took advantage of the nicest weather in a few days to get a quick 19 miles in. I started at Cornelius Pass Roadhouse and headed west. I zigged and zagged a bit over to Meek Rd and took it to Sewell Rd where I jumped back on Evergreen out to Glencoe Rd. I traveled south on Glencoe Rd to Harewood then worked my way over to Cornell Rd. I went east on Cornell to Brookwood then to Evergreen and back to my starting point. It was easier to ride it than it was to describe it! ;-)

The weather was great. It was mostly sunny, in the low 50's, and probably a 5-8 mph wind that started out from the SW and ended up from the NW by the time my ride was finished. It was a good ride.

I was going to take a little video with the helmet cam, pretty snow capped hills, sunny weather and all.... but alas, the batteries decided to die. Make note to self, carry 2 spare AAA batteries if video is important!


...............Road Bike.....LifeCycle.....Total Miles
Jan total.......98.....+........402....=..........500
Feb total.....385.....+.......220....=...........605
Mar total.....659.....+........41.....=...........700


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