Saturday, June 2, 2012

Whichever way the wind blows

or doesn't.

I took off today with no real plan, but ended up at Multnomah Falls. The Gorge is famous for it's winds, but today it was calm, while it seems that most of my family was being buffeted by blustery winds (at least in the Forest Grove-Hillsboro area)

As I started out this morning I passed by Metzger City Park where it seems that several hundred girl scouts were celebrating the 100th anniversary of girl scouts.
 I climbed up Taylors Ferry Rd and merged onto Burbur for a fun descent into Portland. I crossed the Ross Island bridge and pedaled out to the I-205 path. When I reached Marine Drive I turned east.
 I crossed under I-84 and entered Troutdale then followed the Sandy River upstream.
I wasn't riding too hard, and took time to stop and smell the roses, or at least listen to cheering girl scouts and read historical signs
 When I got to Chanticleer Point the view across to the Vista House was spectacular. The sky had dark clouds, in fact I had pulled under cover as I rode along Marine Drive to let a few minutes of big rain drops pass. With those dark clouds as background, a patch of sun illuminated the Vista House perfectly.
I continued down to Multnomah Falls, just because no trip to the Gorge is complete without a stop there!
From there on I rode a bit harder, it was getting late in the afternoon and I took off without a headlight this morning. I thought I had one along, it is standard equipment for me, but alas.

It was a perfect day to ride. Even the infamous Gorge winds were calm today!

I made it home shortly after 8PM, the sun was still shining brightly.  :-)

 Feb.........428............108.............0.........24..........536 March.......809..............0.............0.........22..........831

1 comment:

  1. A great way to spend the day, nice miles for the legs to stretch out some.


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