Friday, July 31, 2009

An easy end to the month

My sister is a member of a Hood(Portland) to Coast walking team. As such she is in full training mode and goes for walks in the neighborhood regularly. This morning was in the low 60's, a very welcome change from the hot mornings of late. Instead of going for a big ride (because I have plans for today and didn't have time for a long ride) I pedaled along as she walked.

Here's the route:
OK, so for some reason won't load the map on this one, but you can click HERE to see the route.

She notes that the small out and back towards the end was a neighborhood garage sale that needed scoping out!

That's the end of the riding this month for me, a new record that is likely to stand for some time if not all time. The next two months have significant time that I won't be getting many miles. Wrong timing for someone training for Furnace Creek but so it goes.

Close enough to 6 miles to call it that. It was a nice way to end a big mile month.

...............Road Bike.....LifeCycle.....Total Miles
Jan total.......501.....+.........30.......=.......531
Feb total.......614.....+.........0........=.......614
March total.....860.....+.........0........=.......860
April total.....790.....+.........0........=.......790
May total.......901.....+.........0........=.......901
June total......543.....+.........0........=.......543
July total.....1322.....+.........0........=......1322
Year to date...5592.....+.........30.......=......5622

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