Thursday, February 26, 2015

Another Record!

and not a good one!   After 100 consecutive days on the bike culminating with a 162 day weekend, I've biked once in the last 18 days, and that was only for 3 miles.  Today I added to that pathetic mileage with 1, ONE, mile.  I took the fixie bike down to Julie's community garden plot and planted a few rows of peas.

I was lucky to survive! From the top of Queen Ann everything is down a hill.  I was holding back hard on the pedals to keep my speed under control.  The roads were wet and my back tire was slipping a bit.  As I neared the P-Patch I resorted to using the brakes, that I only use for "emergencies" since frequent use will take the paint off the rims.  Alas, wet steel rims don't offer much friction, and I was still moving about 1 mph as I bumped into the low curb.  The curb has a metal lip, making it even more slippery in wet conditions.  The front wheel slid over, as expected, and down I went in slow motion.  I ended up on all fours on the sidewalk, with the bike down next to me. Unscathed, but looking around to make sure people weren't laughing at my stupidity.  I got up, dusted myself off, and continued down the gravel walkway.

I planted 4 rows of peas, two edible pod and two regular peas.  I rode back up the hill. It was steep enough for the fixed gear, but short enough to not be a problem.  Round trip amounted to a whopping .73 mile.

Today..............1...............0..............0...............0...................1 Jan...............765...............0...............0...............0...............765

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