The first was my night route which I lead for my social bike group as a two lap ride beginning at 5PM.
Tonight I had 4 riders total.
We started out from Tualatin and made our way to Wilsonville, as we turned back northward Dave got a flat.
Dave fixing his flat on our first 50 miles of the evening.
The repair didn't take long and we were soon back in Tualatin with 25 miles to show for it. 2 of the riders didn't stay for the dark lap. Dave and I pedaled off on round two, but I had another ride beginning at 9PM so planned to cut round two short. I bid Dave fair travels just a bit beyond half way to Wilsonville. He continued on and I turned around.
I followed the club ride with what we are calling the Waffle Ride 2. What a blast! Rode from 9PM to 3AM, not many miles but what fun!
As I rode to the starting location I met on of tonight's riders admiring the waterfront view.
Chris always has such fun on these rides. Tonight she helped the bronze statue of Vera Katz get into the spirit of the evening.
We rode along the Eastbank Esplanade then out the Springwater Corridor
Then northward on the better illuminated I-205 path.
We made our first stop of the evening near Stark Street. After a short stay there we continued northward to Tillamook Street, a designated "Bike Boulevard". We rode down to 28th, another bike boulevard then made our way over to Burnside Street for the second stop of the evening.
After that brief stop we went across the Hawthorne Bridge and headed for a famous waffle cart on the west side of the river. To our surprise it had moved locations since we were out this way a week ago. Carts will do that I guess, they are on wheels after all! We decided that as much as we had planned on waffles, we could do Voodoo Donuts instead.
Chris was up to her hijinks again. She decide that some poster art could use some improvement.
She tells me you should always carry a supply of "googly eyes" because you never know when you might need one. ;-)
Having done the job of beautifying Portland we headed back across the Steel Bridge to close the loop. It was 3 AM and time to call it a night.
I had to be in Hood River ready to pedal a hilly 100 mile ride at 9AM. I went to the ATM, filled with gas and was ready to go by 4AM.
62 total miles for the day.