Thursday, May 8, 2008

Too much information

Last month the incessant ice, snow, and hail resulted in reduced miles for the month. Looks like this month health issues will be the demon. I NEVER get sick. I haven't missed a day of work or school since the 6th grade. (the 6th grade is ancient history for me!) I was able to ride last Sunday at perhaps 75% capacity without issues and could probably do at least that now. However, I was thinking that maybe a couple of days of complete rest would allow me to totally shake this. I'm in a lot better health than I was week ago, but still have congestion in my lungs and to some extent my sinuses. I breathe somewhat normally at rest, but deep breaths result in a noticeable wheeze. The few days of rest haven't eliminated that, but I do notice SLOW improvement.

But to get to the point, this month will probably end up with less riding too. That's not the way it's supposed to be....... I've got goals to achieve this summer!

I need to just get out and ride the bike!

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