Sunday, January 23, 2011

Wilsonville Century...sort of

5 of us took off today with intentions to ride the Wilsonville Century. I had thought about checking the Canby Ferry status last night, with all the recent rain and all, but forgot about it until this morning as we shoved off. It was only a long mile to the ferry status sign so we just pedaled it. As it ended up, yes it was closed because of high water. I had failed to load my "high water alternate" route onto the gps, so we just winged it. I missed a turn in Hubbard but did eventually meet our original course in Mollala, with only 6 bonus miles, with 2 of those being the out and back to the ferry sign. We reached Mollala at mile 33 today.

We enjoyed the weather, not as good as yesterday, but still good for January. I haven't ridden many miles this month, and it showed. When we got to Keizer and stopped for a bit to eat we talked about our route back to the start and all agreed that we didn't need to ride 106 miles, 100 would be just fine. We followed our original route across Windsor Island until we hit River Rd. At that point we took French Prairie northward for a more direct route. We hoped to shave off about 5 miles.

When we got near St Luis we jumped eastward over to Butteville Rd, than at Donald jumped eastward again to join Boones Ferry Rd. As it ended up, we only rode about 40 miles of our planned route, the rest was by guess and by golly. We arrived back being about 2 miles shy of our one hundred, easily remedied by a loop around some local streets.

We pulled into where the vehicles were parked with 100.1 miles on the gps. Not bad.

I commuted to and from so ended up with 103 total today.

Harder than it should have been, but mission accomplished.


Year to date ..........................................a paltry 307

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