Saturday, January 23, 2010

Training Series starts for the season

I lead a series of rides designed to get folks in shape enough to attain their biking goals for the season. Today was the first ride. Since many of the riders haven't biked much if at all in the last year we start out easy and ramp up from there. Today's ride was 15 miles with a goal of finishing in an hour.

15 miles is a long way for many of the participants, for more seasoned riders it's hardly worth the drive out to ride so few miles. In an effort to appease all I offered a 20 mile "preride". Today's preride offered some good hills in the Helvetia area. 6 hardy souls joined me for this little adventure.

With the preride finished I gathered the huddling masses together, gave a short talk assisted by Mark who covered things I didn't even think about... like the importance of calling out debris, signalling turns and stops, etc. I forgot that not all of today's riders just wouldn't be familiar with group riding etiquette.

I got busy with my leader duties and failed to get a photo of the 22 folks in attendance. I am happy to report that all finished the ride, 18 within 2 minutes of the hour goal. 2 riders bonked and two sweep riders held back with them. I failed my ride leader duties by handing out cue sheets at the beginning.....but failed to notice that I was riding the route the way I normally ride it, rather than the way I had it cued. :-( So my two stragglers, and the two sweeps became somewhat confused and lost when they tried to follow the cue sheet.

They did finally find their way back by back tracking, ie the way the cue sheet made sense.

We all ended up at Cornelius Pass Roadhouse where we had lunch and a chance to introduce ourselves and share our reason for participating in the Training Series.
I talked a bit about the mechanics and expectations of the series before we all headed our own directions.

It was pleased with today's event. I expected far more people to not be able to hold 15 for 15.

A good ride!


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