Thursday, February 26, 2009

The last gasp of winter?

I have a meeting scheduled today in Salem beginning at 11AM. I had figured with that time it would be a good chance to ride the bike to Salem. There was a chance of snow predicted, but it's Oregon, a few flakes in the air was all I expected...if that. To my surprise this morning there were several inches of snow on the ground. I opted to drive to Salem.

During the last week it's been sunny with highs in the mid to upper 50's.... Spring will come eventually.

Saw an interesting tidbit on the news this morning. A bus driver being billed as a good Samaritan is cited by the police for jay walking.

One can certainly make the argument that he deserved the ticket.
One can also say that mitigating circumstances would indicate he shouldn't be cited.

Without getting into that argument what got my interest is this:

The police where called after the vehicle hit the pedestrains. The officers cited who they perceived as the offender.
When the SUV hit me and drove off (assault, hit and run) the police were called after the incident. Multiple witnesses back my claim that this guy did this intentionally. No one was ticketed. Even after the driver admits he was the one who hit me with his SUV there are no tickets issued. There may still be a citation issued but at this time it's unknown. Different states, different circumstances, but it just baffles me. LIke I said previously, the officer said he has chosen to handle this differently, I just hope differently works.


  1. did you ask what would have happened if he'd hit you with a baseball bat? Or shot you? And then how is running you over any different?

  2. I did tell them that I viewed this as an assault with a deadly weapon.
    It was certainly a reckless disregard for life.

    Beyond that voicing of my position with the police I guess I'll save the serious arguments for a different venue.


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