Thursday, July 28, 2016

Yellow Head

Tete Juane in French.  The locals pronounce it Tay Zjahn.  I had a bit of time this morning and the weather is awesome. I hopped on my fixie and went for a ride.

I first crossed over the Frazier River, already a decent sized river at this point.

Shortly after crossing the river I came to some recreational fields that had a small park area with a picnic table.  I didn't need the picnic table but found the information signs interesting.  I was after all a tourist today.

Having been educated in local history, I pedaled along.

I took a right turn onto Old Tete Juane Cache Rd.  It was a very low traffic road, paved, but no center line or fog lines.  I would not see a single vehicle as I pedaled along today.  I would see a couple of white tailed deer though. More rare was the sight of an operating wigwam burner.  I haven't seen an operational one of these in well over 30 years.

It explained the smoke we had seen in the valley yesterday evening.

smoke from the wigwam burner can be seen in the distance

There were no logging operations today, I had the road to myself.  The road transitioned to packed dirt/gravel.  It was dry, and very ridable. It was actually smoother than the asphalt. I continued on.
I rode along some marshy land between the forested hillsides and the Frazier River.  I was hoping to see a moose, but instead got some nice scenery.

With all my photo stops I ran out of time before getting very far down the road.  I turned around and pedaled back the way I had come.

It was a good morning to be on a bike!

.........Road Bike.....Rollers.............MTB..........Lifecycle......Total
Today .........18................0..................0.......................0...........18
YTD...... 1997.............0...................0.......................0..........1997

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