Sunday, October 23, 2011

a Full Day!

I had posted a 100 mile ride today for the social bike group. I said no need to worry about speed, if they could ride 14-15 mph on flat ground they wouldn't get dropped. I said I had all day to ride the 100 miles.

I didn't think they'd actually hold me to that!

I had 8 RSVP's on Saturday afternoon, but that dropped to 6 folks by late Saturday night. Of the six, two didn't show up, so four of us rode today.

There was occasional light drizzle falling. Not bad rain as far as rain goes, but it was enough to give us wet roads for most of the first 40 miles.

We enjoyed a bit of a tailwind on our ride to West Salem. We stopped at a Dairy Queen for snacks then continued on our way. We crossed the Willamette River on the Union Street pedestrian bridge.

We turned back northward into a slight wind. It was enough of a wind to work my riding partners. Our pace slowed considerably with the effects of distance and wind working against us.

When we reached Gervais we stopped for a rest and snack... and a little light hearted fun.

From there we made our way to the Canby Ferry to get back across the Willamette River.

It was a beautiful day despite the wet start, the bright fall colors were everywhere.

Most of our climbing today came late in the ride. Our pace reflected the long day. With each small incline the speed dropped drastically. We finally finished up at 6:10PM, about 15 minutes before sunset, and a full 10 hours after we started! But we did get the 100 miles in.

We celebrated a bit with dinner and drinks then each went our own way. The others by vehicle, me by bike.

I got 5 miles of bike commute plus the 100 mile ride.


1 comment:

  1. You have a habit of putting the hill at the end. So cruel!


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