Thursday, November 4, 2010

second verse, same as the first, little bit slower, little bit (can't think of an appropriate rhyming word!)

Social bike club friend Carol and I rode off tonight with the sun at our back on a repeat of the yesterday's ride.

The sky was blue, but it was a bit cooler than last evening.

We got tangled up with a long line of slow traffic on Willamette Drive. Never quite figured out what the slowing as about.

When we reached the historic Willamette area of West Linn we got out of the long line of cars and began the ascent of Pete's Mountain.

We had started at 4:30PM so even at our slower pace we not only ascended in daylight, we still had plenty of light on the descent. We really didn't get in the dark until we neared Mountain Rd near the Canby Ferry. It's there that we ran into a couple of women who were on the side of the road tending to a tossed chain. They were just getting back on their bikes as we came by. I notice they didn't have front lights at all, and only one had a passable rear light. We offered to put them between us since Carol and I both had good front and rear lights. They accepted the offer and all four of us rode back into Wilsonville together.

It was a good ride, but noticeably cooler than last night. Got a few extra miles by starting at Fry's Electronics.


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