Saturday, June 29, 2019

10,000 strong

I joined 10,000 other crazy people who participated in a ride to highlight the vulnerability of cyclists.  I figure since I've been hit 4 times, with the drivers never having been held accountable, that I have a right to complain.

Today was the World Naked Bike Ride, held in cities all around the world, with the largest iteration in good ole' Portland. There was a full day of festivities culminating in the night ride.

I arrived early and looked for people I might know.

I'm sure that I had to have known some of the folks there, but alas, it was a lot of people to have to sort through.

As time neared for pedals down, a woman rode up on a recumbent trike.  She appeared to be having some issues dismounting.  Thinking she might be mobility challenged, I offered to help. She declined my offer originally, but changed her mind when she was trying to put items in her behind the seat bag while still being seated.  We had some time to chat and I found out that she is a minister in a local church.  She had some concerns about having a photo of her participating getting back to her congregation. That was understandable to me.  After more discussion she said that she was already drawing attention to herself because of her recumbent trike in this sea of traditional bikes.  She said that wearing clothing would draw even more attention. (though in fairness, more that half the riders are probably wearing some clothing.) She removed her top just as the ride started out.  As we made a few blocks progress before reaching a bottle neck, she said she wanted to take off her bottoms too.  She said that we were simply riding around as God made us.  She had more issues trying to get legs over the bike frame and asked for help. She got her pants off with a little help from me sliding them down her legs and getting them threaded past the frame and pedals.  With that bit of business out of the way we rejoined the sea of bikes as we made our way down the streets of Portland.

Very early in the ride she asked me to take a photo of her on her bike.  I thought it was a bit strange for a minister who was concerned about her flock recognizing her, but obliged. She certainly was not shy. I won't post the photo here out of respect for her privacy.

I rode near her for the entire ride, mostly to have company, and to provide some protection given that she was laying practically flat on that trike.

Far from being an outlaw ride, the Portland Police controlled the intersections for us. We'd thank the police for the help as we'd pass them.  The route is not advertised, but when the police started closiing intersections it doesn't take long for the public to figure out where the ride is going to pass.  It was a very pleasant evening and there were a surprising number of people cheering the group on.

We had started near the front of the pack, but she was a bit slower on the little inclines we'd come to. We were eventually very near the lantern rouge position by the time the ride was reaching the end.

As we neared the park where the ride would end, my minister friend said she was going to take an alternate way into the park. Most of us would ride across a short distance of grass and she was going to take a concrete sidewalk.

We were looking for  a Tiki Bar that was going to be the focal point for an after party. As I looked over the crowd beginning to gather I saw (and heard!) a 25 ft blast of flame rise into the air.  I figured I had found the Tiki Bar!

There was a sea of naked bodies dancing to the sounds of electronica blasting from a killer sound system in the Tiki Bar.  The normal tiki torch on the roof would roar to life with a 20-30 ft flame in strategic lulls in the stream of pounding beat. I milled around for 30 minutes on the edge of the dancing masses hoping to reconnect with my new minister friend, but never did. After waiting for a bit I decided that the electronic music wasn't my scene. I mapped out my return to the park where we started from, put my bright lights on, and pedaled back.  As I was making my way back I got a message that the minister stopped for a glass of wine before pedaling back to her home.

It was a fascinating evening.

.......Road Bike........Rollers.......MTB..........Lifecycle......Total

Today ......0.................0.................28.....................0............28

Jan.........0.................. 0..................0.....................0..............0







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