Monday, August 31, 2015

Woo Hoo!

 After riding 8 consecutive days, I got busy with details around moving my mother into a new living situation and haven't been on my bike in nearly a week. Today, finding myself with a bit of time and noting that I was 15 miles short of riding 500 miles in the month, decided that I really needed to go for a ride.

I puttered around locally and stopped for lunch.

As I was finishing up I rode through Wilsonville's Korean War Memorial.

The story of the Korean War is engraved in stones that are arranged around the memorial. Since World War II, the story is a familiar one.  Tens (or hundreds!) of thousands of people die for causes that are never realized.  Korea is still divided, Vietnam is still divided, and let's not even get into the goals of recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and whether those goals were realized.  My history teacher had it right, "Learning history teaches you that mankind never learns."

I finished up my ride, and it is a reflection of my low mileage year, that the month of August, with just over 500 miles, ends up being at least double the mileage of any other month this year, except for January.

........Road bike........Rollers.......MTB.......Lifecycle....Total

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