Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Throw the dogs a bone

"The Motley Crew" was going for a 69 mile ride today, and I nibbled.

As details were being worked out one of the guys mentioned if they could hold a 20mph average they should be finished by the time he had other plans. I knew that I am not in shape to hold a 20 mph average so I told them I'd better sit out
They assured me that the 20 mph statement was in jest.

I loaded the route on my Garmin and met them at the start in Butteville.  I would do my best to keep up with the big dogs today.

We pedaled out right on time.........and briskly.

Dave S photo
They were moving along at a solid 20 mph.  I knew I wouldn't be able to last long at that pace.
Within about 4 miles we hit a short but steep enough hill.  I dropped off the back.
Over the next few miles the guys would hold back for me to catch up, then take off at 20 mph again.

I was struggling to hang on, and I knew I was impinging on their fun.  I told them I would just ride my own ride and they could go on, but Max said they were going to slow down.

They rode like hares, I was the tortoise.  By the time we were 15 miles in, they had stopped 3 times. That is just not my style of riding.  I am not good at going all out for a few miles, stopping for a rest, and repeating.  I'm far better at just keeping my bike moving.

The next time they stopped I said I'd just soft pedal and they would catch up.  I did manage to get about 4 miles before I saw them coming like a freight train. Max was on a heavy touring bike and straggled along, but still managed to catch me. They filed in behind me and we moved along at my 18 mph pace. Vest was riding directly behind me and commented that we must have a tailwind since he wasn't putting out much energy.  I thought we had a slight headwind, and that he was just enjoying my draft.  I didn't make any comments.

When we got to Keizer, (30 miles into today's ride) they pulled into McDonalds.  I kept riding.  I didn't know how long they were planning on stopping, but after I had pedaled another 5 miles I kept checking my mirror, expecting them to be rolling up on me at any time.  I was really surprised that they had not caught me by the time made the climb up off of Windsor Island.  I was holding a steady 17-18 mph now aided by a slight tailwind, but if they were riding 20 they should have caught me by now, or so I thought.

The route had us riding through Willamette Mission State Park.  It was probably only the third time that I've pedaled through the park.  It was a nice diversion.

Rather than take River Rd up to St Paul, I pedaled up French Prairie Rd.  My birthday ride traveled on River Road in February, and it wasn't all the enjoyable, so I figured French Prairie was a good alternate.  It would save a few miles, but if I had time, I could make them up on the end of the ride.

Since I had taken a different route, I was no longer sure if I was still ahead of them, but thought I likely was since my route was a little bit shorter.

When I got to Champoeg State Park the route had us take the park trail back to Butteville, rather than the road.

It was scenic riding along the Willamette River, and there were many irises blooming, as well as many other wild flowers.  I had my camera with me, but was too concerned with keeping moving to take the time for photos.

I arrived at Butteville and the Motley Crew still had not caught me.  I pedaled out to the Boone's Ferry Landing and back which was far enough to bring my mileage back up to the planned 69 miles.

I arrived back at our vehicles and still no Motley Crew.

They did roll in shortly though.  It ended up that they had stopped at McDonalds for 30 minutes, and had made a few more stops for photos and snacks. I guess they had also bypassed the trail in Champoeg Park, and saved a few miles by doing so.

It was a good day for bike riding. I got more workout than I had planned, but needed.

.........Road Bike.....Rollers.............MTB..........Lifecycle......Total
Today ........69................0...................0.......................0...........69
YTD...... 542...............0...................0.......................0...........542

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