Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Day 28 of #ridingeverydayinNovember

Well, we finally got November weather in NW Oregon, though not as cold as one might expect.  Today it rained non stop during my ride.  Being an Oregonian, I have good rain gear, so it wasn't bad at all.

Quality rain wear by Showers Pass   ;-)

I had limited time to ride today since I had "mom duty".  My mom no longer drives (a good thing) so my 3 sisters and I take turns carting mom around. Today was my turn, so my afternoon was booked.

I took off on the rain bike just a couple hours after sunrise.  According to my home weather station the temperature ranged from a low of 46.3 to a high of 47.1 during my ride. I rode from home since I wanted to spend my time riding, and not commuting by car to ride.  I chose to head for a residential neighborhood near by. There was some hill climbing to get there.  Over my gasping for air you can hear the rain hitting my phone that I was holding with one hand while trying to steer the bike with the other.


I came across tiny Tranquil Park and of course went for a tour of the trail there.

I continued riding around the neighborhood in search of miles. I'm kind of hoping for 500 miles in November.  It will be a tall order since I had 100 miles yet to go as of this morning, and not a lot of time each day to ride, and even if I did, 100 miles in 3 days would be tough for this old out of shape guy.  I rode by an elementary school and noted that kids aren't concerned with a little rain when it's recess time!

I didn't hear any quacking, but these little Oregonians had to have webbed feet.
I was noting that while still quite comfortable despite the continual rain, that it was time for me to start making my way back home.  I rolled back down to the wetland.  I stopped to read the informational signs, and took a photo of them.

If you'd like to read the sign, click on the photo to view a full sized version.

I even saw three deer.  They were right against the chain link fence that separated the wetland from the road as I saw them, but by the time I stopped and took the phone out, they had moved a bit away.

Columbian Blacktail deer

I thought that 15 miles would be a good goal for today, so as I neared the end of my ride I did a couple of repeats of a relatively flat road. The wind was more of a factor than the slight rise in the road in one direction.

467 ft of elevation gain never looked so gnarly.

It was a fun ride, even with the rain.

........Road Bike........Rollers.......MTB..........Lifecycle......Total

Today .....15.................0..................0....................0............15

Jan.........26................ 0................0.....................0..............26












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