Sunday, July 29, 2018

99 degrees....What would a desert coyote do?

Go for a little bike ride of course!

My plans for today fell through, so I decided to go for a leisurely bike ride.  I hopped on the fixed gear bike and just took off with no destination in mind.  This is what the route looks like when there is no plan.

I was obviously just puttering around.   I noted that I was bait.

Rather than trying to get a photo of an elusive cougar, I decided to have a healthy snack instead.
The wild Himalaya berries are nearing their prime.  It doesn't take much work at all to find berries that are right at their peak.

Oregon might be noted for being grey and drizzly, but that might be just a result of poor marketing. We get less annual rainfall than Dallas TX, Washington DC, New York City, and a host of other locations that don't have near the reputation for rain.  In fact, it seems that solar energy is a thing.

And finally, as the day was heating up, the shade of an old oak tree looked inviting, but alas, this tree was in a tree museum. no dollar and a half required to see it, but I was not allowed to walk beneath the tree.

Joni Mitchell sings about trees in tree museums.

It was 99 degrees F as I finished up, it will go several degrees higher yet today.

Today .....20.................0..................0....................0..........20

Jan.........26................ 0................0.....................0..............26








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